Thursday, April 23, 2009

Plant It Green!

Transform a burnt-out industrial town into a thriving, eco-friendly community!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Baby Woolly Mammoth Found

Check out the frozen baby woolly mammoth that was discovered recently in Siberia.,2933,288975,00.html

Monday, April 20, 2009

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Here are some ways you can help reduce, reuse and recycle. Specifically designed for you kids. Good stuff! Let me know what you're going to do to make a difference.

Earth Day Network

Check out the Earth Day Network. Get some ideas on how you can help make a difference in this world. We all have a responsibility to help out.

How Long Will It Last?

Yet another reason that we all need to recycle. We only have one place to live and we all need to pitch in to save it. Check out the picture below to see what part the US plays in the overall destruction of our planet. Pretty scary.