Saturday, September 29, 2007


Another great game to test your knowledge. See how much you were paying attention in class when we went over photosynthesis. Good luck!

Plant Tycoon

Try out this gardening sim game. It's free to try, and it's actually a lot of fun. Don't ever say I don't let you all play games (well not IN class). Enjoy.

The Great Plant Escape

If you still have questions about the different parts of a plant or their functions then check out the link below.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Have You Washed Your Hands Today?

What was the best thing to rid your hands of dirt, germs, and gunk?

A. Hand sanitizer
B. Water
C. Soap and water
D. Wash my hands? I just wipe them on my shirt.

And the correct answer is? Check the link below.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Plant & Animal Cells

Check the link below to find out all the information you ever wanted to know about plant and animal cells. Good stuff!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Idle Hands...

Have you ever wondered what Mr. Schlebus does with all his abundant free time? Well here are a few programs I've been involved with.

BIOS Program
Baylor College of Medicine's Center for Educational Outreach, the Houston Independent School District and the University of Houston-Downtown have partnered to provide high school and middle school students with the exposure, skills and knowledge needed to pursue advanced studies in biomedical science.

Environmental Institute of Houston (We only have one planet and it's EVERYONE'S responsibility to take care of it!!!)
Founded at the University of Houston-Clear Lake in 1991, the Environmental Institute of Houston was created to address real and potential issues of environmental concern, such as loss of biodiversity, health risks from pollution, failure of food supplies, and depletion of natural resources.,1&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTALP

Rice Model Science Lab
The Model Science Lab Project is a joint Rice University and Houston Independent School District program. The project joins university and community scientists with elementary school teachers to create a model laboratory classroom.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Scientific Method

Test your knowledge of the scientific method with these fun-filled websites.

The first is a Jeopardy style game. One or two players.

The second website provides several different games (Matching, Concentration, Flash Cards).