I've found some fun review games covering the forces that help shape the surface of the Earth. Some topics covered are weathering, erosion, deposition, and... Well check out the link below and find out. And who said I never let you play games?
Here's one more question from the "Parking Lot." Check out the link below to see how a battery works. If you can come back to class and explain how a battery works to everyone I'll have a prize for you. If you think it's candy you might be right. Maybe...
So I know our activity with electromagnets didn't go so well (I'll never buy that brand of battery again). To make up for it I've found a page that gives you a step-by-step guide to making your own electromagnet. Let me know what types of objects your were able to pick up. Have fun and be safe.
This is the blog that accompanies the activities that are done each week by the 5th grade students at J P Henderson Elementary. Check back frequently for fun science activities (and anything else I think you’ll find interesting). Feel free to leave comments. Hope you enjoy.